Testing strategy
In no more than 2 weeks*, we will create your new Testing Strategy that will accelerate the release of your product 5 times without losing quality.
talk to an expert01.
Goals and Objectives setup
Identify current processes Baseline of the software development, deployment, and testing
Analyse gap between current state and needed state
Strategy visualisation
A gap analysis visualises the difference between reality and target objectives in the project, making it easy to show team members where there is still room to grow.
Formalise plan to transformation for needed state
* Assessment takes 2 weeks for teams of up to 30 people (managers, technicians).
If there are more people in your project, we will make an offer for you personally
Testing Management
In a management assessment the emphasis is mainly on leadership qualities. In this assessment the focus was on issues like independence, delegating and communication.
The New Way of Working
The new development and testing strategy implementation in the financial project
Secure Software Development Life Cycle (Secure SDLC)
Build and maintain a mature process of secure development and confirm its compliance with the industry standards (HIPAA, PCI DSS, ISO/IEC 27001, SOC2, NIST, CCPA, and GDPR).
More frequent code deployments. Up to
Reduce high-severity defects or vulnerabilities by more than
Improve time-to-market
by more than